What is a Hyaluron Filler? 

As you get older, the body reduces its hyaluronic acid production and overtime the lips begin to thin out and our skin becomes more dry. One of the ways to get those lips full and plumped again is with hyaluronic acid. 

An effective treatment involves hyaluronic acid filler needle free injections. A lip enhancement procedure uses a Hyaluron Pen to fullfill  hyaluronic acid into the lips, bringing back some of its plump.

 How long does the hyaluron pen last? 

Longevity varies and depends on the client. Results last from 6 weeks to 9 months, or even longer! There are several factors that fall into place, some clients bodies metabolize the product faster than others. 

Clients with high metabolism, an active lifestyle all result in faster process times. Dehydration during the first two weeks after treatment shorten the products lifespan. 

Participating in certain activities such as yoga, using saunas or eating salty foods can also affect the products longevity. 

“Lips are the most expressive feature on a woman’s face, let’s get you plumpd”